John Deere 6215R Radtraktor

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Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Zusätzliche Information :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
= Weitere Informationen =
Reifengröße vorn: 600/70R28
Reifengröße hinten: 650/85R38
Allgemeiner Zustand: gut
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
= More information =
Front tyre size: 600/70R28
Rear tyre size: 650/85R38
General condition: good
Please contact Anthony Chevalier, Artūras Lapėta or Daniel Wójcik for more information
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Información Adicional :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
= Más información =
Tamaño del neumático delantero: 600/70R28
Tamaño del neumático trasero: 650/85R38
Estado general: bueno
Póngase en contacto con Anthony Chevalier para obtener más información.
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Lisäinformaatio :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Informations Complémentaires :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
= Plus d'informations =
Dimension des pneus avant: 600/70R28
Dimension des pneus arrière: 650/85R38
État général: bon
Veuillez contacter Anthony Chevalier pour plus d'informations
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
További információ :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Extra informatie :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
= Meer informatie =
Bandenmaat voor: 600/70R28
Bandenmaat achter: 650/85R38
Algemene staat: goed
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Ytterligere informasjon :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Dodatkowe informacje :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
= Więcej informacji =
Rozmiar opon przednich: 600/70R28
Rozmiar opon tylnych: 650/85R38
Stan ogólny: dobrze
Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, należy skontaktować się z Daniel Wójcik
Tamanho do pneu traseiro: 650/85R38
Estado geral: bom
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Дополнительная информация :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
= Дополнительная информация =
Размер передних шин: 600/70R28
Размер задних шин: 650/85R38
Общее состояние: хорошее
Свяжитесь с Artūras Lapėta для получения дополнительной информации
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Ďalšie informácie :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Annan Information :
John Deere 6215R
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 7112
Engine power: 215 hp
Transmission: DirecDrive
Max speed: 50 km/h
Front axle suspension
Cab suspension
Front tyres: 600/70R28
Rear tyres: 650/85R38
4 SCV's
Air trailer brake
Hydraulic trailer brake
Trailer hitch
PitonFix hitch
Front linkage
Monitor: 4600 (10")
Automatic steering ready
= Ytterligare information =
Däckstorlek för: 600/70R28
Storlek på bakdäck: 650/85R38
Allmänt tillstånd: bra